As a researcher committed to the concordat, there are objectives to think about whilst you are conducting your research projects. Embedding these guiding principles, will make sure there is real and lasting improvement in your working environment, employment conditions and in the impact of your professional development.
1. Actively contribute to the development and maintenance of a supportive, fair and inclusive research culture and be a supportive colleague, particularly to newer researchers and students.
2. Ensure they act in accordance with employer and funder policies related to research integrity, and equality, diversity and inclusion.
3. Take positive action towards maintaining their wellbeing and mental health.
4. Use available mechanisms to report staff who fail to meet the expected standards of behaviour, particularly in relation to discrimination, harassment, bullying, and research misconduct.
5. Consider opportunities to contribute to policy development aimed at creating a more positive research environment and culture within their institution.
1. Ensure that they work in accordance with, institutional policies, procedures and employment legislation, as well as the requirements of their funder.
2. Understand their reporting obligations and responsibilities.
3. Positively engage with performance management discussions and reviews with their managers.
4. Recognise and act on their role as key stakeholders within their institution and the wider academic community
📢Book your free place here for the Research Culture and Practice Forum! 👥Open to all staff working in the research system 📅13 / 14 June ➡️Hosted online by @UniversitiesUK, partnered with @TechsCommit, @keconcordat, and more…