Are you a Vice-Chancellor? Are you a Principal? Are you a CEO? Are you a Senior Leader at your institution? Do you lead the implementation of the concordat at your institution?

As institutional stakeholders of the concordat, there are obligations to embed into your processes across your university or organisational ecosystem. The concordat is a continuous improvement tool designed to guide institutions to constantly make steps towards a better research culture. These guiding principles will provide the foundation for driving culture change and enhancement.

  • Environment and Culture

    1. Ensure that all relevant staff are aware of the Concordat. 

    2. Ensure that institutional policies and practices relevant to researchers are inclusive, equitable and transparent, and are well-communicated to researchers and their managers. 

    3. Promote good mental health and wellbeing through, for example, the effective management of workloads and people, and effective policies and practice for tackling discrimination, bullying and harassment, including providing appropriate support for those reporting issues. 

    4. Ensure that managers of researchers are effectively trained in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion, wellbeing and mental health. 

    5. Ensure researchers and their managers are aware of, and act in accordance with, the highest standards of research integrity. 

    6. Regularly review and report on the quality of the research environment and culture, including seeking feedback from researchers, and use the outcomes to improve institutional practices

  • Employment

    1. Ensure open, transparent and merit-based recruitment, which attracts excellent researchers, using fair and inclusive selection and appointment practices. 

    2. Provide an effective induction, ensuring that researchers are integrated into the community and are aware of policies and practices relevant to their position. 

    3. Provide clear and transparent merit-based recognition, reward and promotion pathways that recognise the full range of researchers’ contributions, and the diversity of personal circumstances. 

    4. Provide effective line and project management training opportunities for managers of researchers, heads of department and equivalent. 

    5. Ensure that excellent people management is championed throughout the organisation and embedded in institutional culture, through annual appraisals, transparent promotion criteria, and workload allocation. 

    6. Seek to improve job security for researchers, for example through more effective redeployment processes and greater use of open-ended contracts, and report on progress. 

    7. Consider researchers and their managers as key stakeholders within the institution and provide them with formal opportunities to engage with relevant organisational policy and decision-making.

  • Professional Development

    1. Provide opportunities, structured support, encouragement and time for researchers to engage in a minimum of 10 days professional development pro rata per year, recognising that researchers will pursue careers across a wide range of employment sectors. 

    2. Provide training, structured support, and time for managers to engage in meaningful career development reviews with their researchers. 

    3. Ensure that researchers have access to professional advice on career management, across a breadth of careers. 

    4. Provide researchers with opportunities, and time, to develop their research identity and broader leadership skills. 

    5. Recognise that moving between, and working across, employment sectors can bring benefits to research and researchers, and support opportunities for researchers to experience this. 

    6. Monitor, and report on, the engagement of researchers and their managers with professional development activities, and researcher career development reviews