Concordat Principles

Environment and culture

Environment and Culture

Healthy working environments attract and develop a more diverse workforce, impact positively on individual and institutional performance, and enhance staff engagement.

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    This principle recognises that a proactive and collaborative approach is required between all stakeholders, to create and develop positive environments and cultures in which all researchers can flourish and achieve their full potential.



This principle recognises the importance of fair, transparent, and merit-based recruitment, progression and promotion, effective performance management, and a good work-life balance.

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    All stakeholders need to address long-standing challenges around insecurity of employment and career progression, ensuring equality of experience and opportunity for all, irrespective of background, contract type and personal circumstances.

Professional Development

Professional development

Researchers must be equipped and supported to be adaptable and flexible in an increasingly diverse global research environment and employment market.

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     This principle recognises the importance of continuous professional and career development, particularly as researchers pursue a wide range of careers.



Institutions, Funders, Managers of Researchers and Researchers

The concordat has been created for the benefit of the whole research community within the UK to improve the environment and culture within which research is conducted. It will benefit those conducting and managing research, as well as the quality of the research itself. Although it is institutions and funders who will ultimately sign the Concordat, all stakeholders have responsibilities to help achieve its aims.


Full list of signatories to the Researcher Development Concordat since its publication in September 2019

Click to expand each heading below to see signatories. Click on a logo to see each organisation’s Research Development webpage and their signed letter of commitment to the concordat.